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After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States got involved in WWII. If you want to know why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor see answer to question, Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?War was declared on Japan Dec 8th,Germany declared war on the US Dec 11th. And the US then declared war on Germany shortly thereafter.Japan then proceeded to run wild in the Pacific, capturing one island outpost after another and threatening Australia, and conquering the Dutch East Indies and parts of Korea, and all of the Philippines. Their expansion was checked at the Battle of Midway,one of the most important battles of WWII, after which the Japanese remained on the defensive, until the end of the war in August, 1945.Japanese-American people got sent to relocation camps.Japan attacked Luzon, Philippines on that very same day. It's just that the international date line made it seem like Pearl Harbor was attacked on dec. 7, 1941, and then the Philippines were attacked the next day (dec. 8, 1941). That's when the whole Bataan Death March happened and everything.yes, they did get sent to "relocation camps" a.k.a internment camps but a lot more happened, EVERYONE in the united states who was Japanese, where guilty until proven innocent...even people who lived in the US for MANY years were considered they were sent to internment camps or were forced to go back to japan. The United States declared war on Japan. Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. We reciprocated. Japan overran the Philippines, much of the South and West Pacific and Indochina in about six months. Then we stopped them at the Battle of Midway. Then we, along with our allies who were largely supplied by us, preceded to pound these enemies into powder.

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9y ago

they got bomb with nuclear bombs i think that might not be true

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Q: What happen after japan attacked pearl harbor?
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The US would have still gone to war; Japan also attacked the Philippines.

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Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941.

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