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A denatured protein has had its structure dismantled or altered, rendering it disfunctional or nonfunctional, and therefore useless.

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A protein can become denatured when?

A protein can become denatured when a number of things happen. Some of them are the loss of solubility by the protein as well as cooking proteins will cause them to be denatured among others.

Which level of protein structure is unaffected when a protein is denatured?

The primary structure

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Dose a denatured protein works faster?


What bonds are disrupted when a protein is denatured?

Peptide bonds that are between proteins are broken when proteins are denatured.

What does it mean when the enzyme becomes denatured?

An enzyme is a folded protein. When this folded protein becomes denatured, it essentially stops working. It can not function due to high temperatures or wrong pH.

What happened to a protein that has become denatured?

A protein is denatured because of high temperatures or changes in pH. When it is denatured, it means that the protein has lost its original shape and therefore, it cannot function properly anymore.

What is a change in the normal confirmation of a protein that often results in loss of protein function called?

That protein is called denatured.

Is a denatured protein able to function?

The function of each protein is a consequence of its specific shape, which is lost when a protein denatures.

Do denatured proteins have their shape changed?

Denatured proteins do not have any particular shape. A denatured protein is one that has broken amino acid interactions in the secondary and tertiary structures.

Is it good or bad when a protein is denatured?

No. Depending on what the protein is, the consequences could be good or bad for some particular individual. If you were about to be injected with snake venom and the venom proteins got denatured, that would be a very good thing for you. If the protein that's being denatured is your own hemoglobin, that's a very bad thing for you.