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Then everything would be much much easier. There wouldn't be as many misunderstandings.

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Q: What happen if the world use only one language?
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It will never happen, the only way it would happen is anarchy (not a bad thing)

Is the end of the world really going to happen?

That depends on what one actually believes- but most think there eventually will be an end to the world. Only God knows exactly how and when it will happen.

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There is not one official language spoken by the world.

What is English language as a language of education?

The Englisha language is one of the most used language in the world. It is now considered as the language of communication for the whole world.

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No country, as hindi is derived from the ancient language of sanskrit which originates only from India. However Hindi is not a national language in India.

When was there only one language?


Do most of the people of Switzerland speak more than one language?

Actually most people in Europe, not just Switzerland, speak more than one language, in fact most countries in the world are that way. America is the weird one in that most Americans speak only one language.

Why might an organism have multiple common names?

One thing that can happen is, if it is common in multiple parts of the world, it is given a name by one group of people and then given another name by a different group. Then if these two groups interact with one language, then that language might have two words for that animal.

How do you set language settings in World of Warcraft?

Under chat options you are able to switch your language, you only have the language of your faction, and the sub language of your race. Humans and Orcs only speak one language. To learn more languages you can download the addon 'tounges' with this addon you can learn what ever language you please, you can be a human and speak orcish, you can be a gnome and talk to murlocs!

What does monolingualism mean?

monolingualism - knowing, speaking, using only one language

Why is a person who speaks one language called monolingual?

Mono- means 'one', lingual means 'of language'. A monolingual is therefore of one language only.