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What happened was that when King George III heard of the Boston Tea party, he and the Parliament decided to teach all the colonies a lesson by punishing Massachusetts through 4 acts. They were called the Intolerable Acts by the colonists. The effects were :

  • Closed Bostons' ports until the city paid for the tea (other colonies sent food and supplies to the people living in Massachusetts)
  • Deprived Massachusetts of self-government and placed it under the rule of a military governor, British general Thomas Gage.
  • Allowed British officials to be tried in England for colonial offenses.
  • Issued a stronger Quartering Act that meant the presence of more British troops.
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12y ago

The next morning, after they had cleared the ships of the tea, it was discovered that very considerable quantities of it were floating upon the surface of the water; and to prevent the possibility of any of its being saved for use, a number of small boats were manned by sailors and citizens, who rowed them into those parts of the harbor wherever the tea was visible, and by beating it with oars and paddles so thoroughly drenched it as to render its entire destruction inevitable.

:) Angela

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12y ago

First of all, it was really the sons of liberty that dumped the tea into the Boston harbor. After this, the parliament came up with the intolerable acts. This was 5 rules that were set up as punishment because of the Boston tea party. The intolerable acts included many things, they closed down the harber, and boycotted all imported goods.

Suzy T.

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Who dumped the tea into the harbor at the Boston tea party?

The Sons of Liberty

What was the groups name who dumped the tea out in the Boston tea party?

The Sons of Liberty

What took place at the Boston Tea Party?

sons of liberty dumped tea in to the harbour

Who did something to the tea at the Boston Tea Party?

the sons of liberty dumped the british tea into the boston harbor

What was the amount of tea and the cost that the sons of liberty dumped?

The Amount of tea that was dumped was 45 tons (90,000 lbs). The cost of the tea that was was dumped was an estimated amount worth £10,000.

What was the name of the colonists that dumped the tea at the Boston tea party?

The Sons of Liberty Some of the famous names of the Sons of Liberty were Samuel Adams and Benjamin Franklin.

What were the Sons of Liberty protesting with the Boston tea Party?

I think you're referring to the Boston Tea Party, in which the Sons of Liberty--dressed as Mohawk Indians--dumped British tea into Boston Harbor.

What was the sons of liberty about and who started it?

The Sons of Liberty were men making secret meetings against the British. They had a secret tree also known as the liberty tree. I do not know who started the sons of liberty. The sons of liberty also dumped tea into the British harbor.

What did the Sons Of Liberty do in respond to England's Tea Act?

They dumped the tea into the Boston harbor, thus the Boston Tea Party

Where was the Boston Tea Party really held?

Boston Harbor...Boston, MA! Sons of Liberty Disguised themselves as Indians and they dumped 342 chests of tea

What body of water was the tea dumped in during Boston Tea Party?

The Boston Tea Party happened on December 16, 1773. It was a political protest led by the Sons of Liberty to rebel against the Tea Acts brought on by the British Parliament. Protestors dumped all the tea into the Boston Harbor and ruining all of it. The Boston Harbor is an estuary that is located in the Massachusetts Bay.

What did the Sons of Liberty do in an effort to get rid of taxes?

They boycotted all British goods, burnt all printed material and dumped tea into the harbor!