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It fought against Germany-AustroHungary. The rise of Bolsheviks and Mensheviks established a Communist government which was attacked by the old regime (White Russian) forces supported by Britain ad France, which ensured the World War extended past its official end date of 1918 to 1921 in the Russian east.

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12y ago

Well,supposedly, Austria-hungry, had Germany's next in line emperor there and he was killed by a terrorist which made Germany attack them which triggered their aliies to attack also,and asustria-Hungary's allies went into war also.and during the war the world began to sink in a great depression.hope i helped!

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Q: What happened in Russia during the World War 1?
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During World War I, they were at war from 1914 until 1918. During World War II, it was 1941-1945.

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Czar Nicholas II controlled Russia during World War I. He lost power during the final year Russia was in the war and the Alexander Kerensky was in power for the final months before Lenin took over and negoitated Russia's surrender to Germany.

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