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In the presidential election of 1856 in the United States, the Whig party was replaced by the Republican party. The citizens of the states of Kansas and Nebraska were given the right to vote for or against slavery. James Buchanan won the election by both the popular vote and electoral vote.

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9y ago
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11y ago

1856 U.S. Presidential Election Results:

  • 149 votes (50.3%) - minimum required
  • 174 votes (58.8%) - U.S. Minister to Great Britain James Buchanan (D-PA)
  • 114 votes (38.5%) - former U.S. Senator John C. Frémont (R-CA)
  • 8 votes (2.7%) - former President Millard Fillmore (KN-NY)
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14y ago

Because this category is for Presidential Inaugurations, there was NO Presidential election in 1866. The Presidential election directly BEFORE that was 1864, when Lincoln was re-elected to a second term.

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14y ago

The United States presidential election of 1856 was unusually heated. Republican candidate John C. Frémontcondemned the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and crusaded against the Slave Power and the expansion of slavery, while Democrat James Buchanan warned that the Republicans were extremists whose victory would lead to civil war. The Democrats endorsed the moderate "popular sovereignty" approach to slavery expansion utilized in the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Former President Millard Fillmore represented a third party, the relatively new American Party or "Know-Nothings". The Know Nothings, who ignored the slavery issue in favor of anti-Immigration policies, won a little over a fifth of the vote.

The incumbent President, Franklin Pierce, was defeated in his effort to be renominated by the Democrats (their official party slogan that year was "Anybody but Pierce"), who instead selected James Buchanan of Pennsylvania; this was thanks in part to the fact that the Kansas-Nebraska Act divided Democrats. The Whig Party had disintegrated over the issue of slavery, and new organizations such as the Republican Party and the American Party competed to replace them. The Republicans nominated John Frémont of California as their first standard bearer, over Senator William H. Seward, and the Know-Nothings nominated former President Millard Fillmore of New York. Perennial candidate Daniel Pratt also ran.

Frémont received fewer than 600 votes from slave states-those all coming from Delaware and Maryland. The electoral college results indicated, however, that the Republicans could likely win the next election in 1860 by winning just two more states-such as Pennsylvania and Illinois.

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6y ago

Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John Freemont and American Party candidate Millard Fillmore. In the 1856 presidential election James Buchanan received 174 electoral votes, John Freemont received 114 electoral votes, and former president Millard Fillmore received 8 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Buchanan 1,836,072, Freemont 1,873,053342,345 and Fillmore.

Slavery was the major issue in the 1856 election. Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan endorsed popular sovereignty giving the power to determine the legality of slavery to the inhabitants of the territory seeking statehood, rather than to Congress. The Republican Party opposed the extension of slavery into the territories. Buchanan warned that if the Republicans won the election, their anti-slavery position would lead to civil war. Buchanan won 19 states including all of the southern states. Buchanan also won a few northern states including Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois and Indiana.

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6y ago

James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election defeating John Freemont. In the 1856 presidential election James Buchanan received 174 electoral votes and John Freemont received 114 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Buchanan 1,836,072 and Freemont 1,342,345.

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11y ago

1856 U.S. Presidential Election Results:

149 votes (50.34%) - minimum required

174 votes (58.78%) - Foreign Minister James Buchanan (D-PA)

114 votes (38.51%) - former U.S. Sen. John C. Frémont (R-CA)

8 votes (2.70%) - former Pres. Millard Fillmore (KN*-NY)

* KN = Know Nothing Party

This was the first U.S. Presidential election with a nominee from the Republican Party.

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7y ago

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 election. And this worried the South so much that South Carolina chose to leave the Union and 12 other states followed them.

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