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This is when Jesus healed a disabled man on the Sabbath Day however he wasn't suppose to considering it was the day you rest.

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Q: What happened to Jesus at sychar?
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WHat did Jesus do in Sychar?

In Samaria, Jesus talked to a woman at a well. She then left and brought back the whole town to hear him.

Distance from Jerusalem to Sychar in Samaria?

The dsitance look approximately 40 miles to sheckem and then another 20 miles to Beth shean where Jesus was headed.

What place did Jesus meet a woman drawing water?

The story is found in the 4th chapter of the Gospel of John. The place was Jacob's Well, at the city of Sychar in Samaria.

Who was the woman of Samaria who gave Jesus a drink?

The question you have asked contains almost all that is known of the woman of Samaria. She was a resident of Sychar, a town in Samaria. She had had 5 husbands and was living with a man to whom she wasn't married. None of the accounts of Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well contain the woman's name. Jesus remained in Sychar for two days. It is highly probable that He and the disciples learned the woman's name (and her boyfriend's) during that time. Those names, whatever they were, were known only to the people there present. They were nowhere recorded in Scripture.

How many miles between Jerusalem and Sychar?

About 31 miles.

What are the names of the cities Jesus visited from the Bible?

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It happened in 21 AD, so Jesus was 24 or 25 when it happened.

What happened in 0 BCE?

There was no year zero, so nothing happened.

Is it 93 miles from Jordan to Sychar Samaria?

No, it is only about 16 miles to the border with Jordan.

What happened in Gennesaret?

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What happened in Jordan with Jesus?

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

What happened to Jesus before death?

Jesus was tried by Pilate.