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Nia, the mother of Feather, While she was pregnant she had a seizure and died.(Right when Bobby left) That is why she went to sleep. It is a seizure that only pregnant ladies have and they slip into a deep sleep, have a seizure and for in Nia's situtation she went into a coma, and died.

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Q: What happened to Nia in The First Part last?
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What happened to Nia from the book the first part last?

She got eclampsia, a life threatening disease which left her in a permanent coma.

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Who are the characters in the first part last by Angela jhonson?

nia bobby feather

Setting on the book The First Part Last?

New York is the setting of the first part last

Why does Nia die in The First Part Last?

In the book "The First Part Last," Nia dies during childbirth due to complications from pre-eclampsia. The decision to focus on this event was to explore the challenges and emotional impact of becoming a young single father, highlighting the complexities of unexpected parenthood.

Who is the Antagonist in The first Part Last?

Nia because she gets brain damage while giving birth and dies and there for Bobby had to take care of feather all on his own.

What actress has the last name Peeples?

nia peeples .

Who were all the characters in the book first part last?

The main characters in the book "First Part Last" by Angela Johnson are Bobby, Nia, and Feather. Bobby is the teenage father who is faced with the responsibility of raising his daughter, Feather, on his own after Nia, the mother, falls into a coma during childbirth. The story revolves around Bobby's experiences as a young, single parent and the challenges he faces in balancing his personal life with caring for his daughter.

What happened at the trial of the scottboro's?

That they all got raped by Nia because she wanted to.

Who was the characters in the book first part last by Angela Johnson?

It depends on what part of the book you are in. Bobby's father lives in Brooklyn, Nia's parents live in Chelsea, New York and the book ends with Bobby in Heaven, Ohio.

How does feather get her name in the book first part last?

Feather in the book "First Part Last" gets her name from her mother's belief that angels sometimes leave feathers as a sign of their presence and protection. Feather's mother sees a feather on the day Feather is born and decides to name her after it.

What is holly from dance moms last name?

Her last name, as well as her daughter, Nia, is Fraizer.