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He suffers from amblyopia!

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Q: What happened to ernest thomas' right eye?
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What happened to Ernest Thomas eye?

He lost his vision in his right eye due to amblyopia since he was young

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The M on his right eye is used to identify Mutants in his time period (80 years in the future) because he is a mutant he got a M branded on his right eye.

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his right eye became poor after bad fever, and his left eye became blind after a cataract whatever that is

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possibly taking it RIGHT IN THE EYE right in the eye RIGHT IN THE EYE

What happened to Madara's right eye?

he didnt lose it,he wore a scope on his left eye for long-range observation, and he had trained the eye itself to counter genjutsu, allowing him to see through and negate them. This was done in response to Itachi's powerful genjutsu skills, of which he had a considerable loathing, and wished to defeat if he got the chance. yeah and in the fight against sasuke he takes the scope off.

What happened to Johnny Winters Right Eye?

Just from perusing images on Bing, he appears to have ptosis though it is only a guess.

Thomas Edison's eye color?

Thomas Edison has blue eyes

When did The Eye of Typhoon happen?

The Eye of Typhoon happened in 1996.

When did The Eye of Judgment happen?

The Eye of Judgment happened in 2007.

How can you determine left or right eye of a cow?

Stand beside the cow. Your right eye is on your right, so the cow's right eye would be on its right. The same thing for your and the cow's left eye.

What happens when a patients urine gets in your eye?

It just happened to me right now. It burned like crazy so I flushed out my eyes and use an antiseptic eye wash. I'm good now.