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Generally they were only allowed to take 50 kilos of belongings with them and a limited amout of perishables. But those who went to the ghettos early, ie before they were close could take more.

When there were guards, the guards would often go through the belongings to see if they wanted to take anything.

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Q: What happened to the jews possession when they entered the ghetto?
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The Warsaw ghetto was the largest ghetto established in Poland. the total of Jews that can be crowded in is about 450,000 Jews. They were crowded into an area of 1.4 square miles that was the Warsaw ghetto.

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Jews, mainly the Jews of Krakau

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It's spelled Krakow, and it is in Poland. What happened to the Jews there during the Holocaust; they were first concentrated into a ghetto in the city. Then they were put in a concentration camp in the city's district of Plaszow, or to Auschwitz-Birkenau.