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chromosomes move to the middle of the cell. mitotic spindles from the centrioles attach to the centromere of the chromosome

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Q: What happens during metaphase in meiosis?
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Related questions

What phase happens only once in meiosis?

Interphase only happens once during meiosis. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis all happen twice.

During which stage of meiosis are the bivalents arranged along the equator?

During the metaphase I meiosis are the bivalents are arranged along the equator. During the prophase I of meiosis I the crossing over occurs.

In which stage do chromosomes independently assort?

Metaphase I during meiosis

What is the activity of chromosomes in metaphase 1 of meiosis?

In Mitosis during Metaphase, the chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate, but without their homologues. In Meiosis during Metaphase I, the tetrads line up on the metaphase plate. Then it's back to double-stranded chromosomes lining up in Metaphase II. I

During what phase do the chromosomes move to the center of the cell aligned on the spindle apparatus?

This happens during metaphase. I remember this phase because it is the move phaseof mitosis. The m from move matches the m from metaphase.In mitosis, it happens during metaphase.In meiosis, it happens twice and occurs in metaphase 1 and metaphase 2.

Do meisosis and mitosis have metaphase?

Mitosis for sure has metaphase. Scientists are guessing that meiosis has it too, but they combine it and make it "prometaphase," because prophase and metaphase happens so fast in meiosis.

What stage of meiosis is when chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell during meiosis.

During what phase of meiosis do replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator-?

It is during the anaphase of meiosis that the replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator.

During ovulation what stage is the female gamete in meiosis?


What happens to the tetrads in telophase?

During metaphase I of meiosis, tetrads line up along the equator of the cell. They are preparing for separation in the next phase.

Meiosis 1 us the same as what other reproductive process?

during metaphase 0_______0

When does independent assortment occur in meiosis?

Independent assortment occurs during metaphase I