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During step 4 of mitosis, known as anaphase, the sister chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite ends of the cell. This is facilitated by the spindle fibers contracting, causing the chromatids to move towards the centrosomes. Once the sister chromatids are fully separated, they are considered individual chromosomes.

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12y ago

Assuming you follow the PMAT process of mitosis, stage four is telophase.

Telophase is the end phase of mitosis, and coincides with mid-cytokinesis. During this phase, a number of events happen:

1. the spindle fibres break down, along with the astral rays as the centrioles become inactive.

2. A new nuclear membrane forms around the chromosomes, at opposite sides of the cell.

3. The chromosomes lengthen, becoming chromatin. Nucleoli may also be present at the end of telophase.

After telophase, the cell re-enters interphase, starting with growth phase 1.

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What happens when a cell under go mitosis?

Mitosis is broken up into 4 phases, Prophase, Metophase, Anaphase, and Telophase. During these phases the DNA, which was replicated during Interphase, split and 2 new cells are formed.

The first step in meiosis?

Interphase then Mitosis then Cytokinesis then Mitosis the Cytokinesis That's what I remember. Mitosis will occur twice; the reason why there 4 daughter cells (gametes) and they are haploid.

What exactly happens in phase 4?

There are many things that happen in phase 4 of Mitosis. In phase 4 of Mitosis, the prophase chromosomes separate into pairs. Spindle fibers begin to form.

What happens during prophase you that does not happen during mitosis?

Prophase is one of the stages in the process of mitosis, the stages of mistosis are : 1. Prophase 2. Metaphase 3. Anaphase 4. Telophase. So metaphase, anaphase, and telophase are what happends in mitosis and does not happen in prophase. And what happens in prophase that does not in mitosis is that the sister chromatids that were formed during interphase have shortened and thickened and are now visible with a light microscope.

Does homologous pair contain 2 chromosomes or the 4 chromatids after doubling?

It depends on if it was during the process of mitosis or mitosis. And, how many chromosomes it began with.

How many daughter cells are produced during mitosis?

Two are produced in Mitosis and 4 in meosis.

How many cells do you end up with after mitosis and meiosis?

After mitosis you have two cells and after meiosis you have 4 cells.

If a a cell has 2 cells is it mitosis?

No, but you are close. Mitosis is also called cell division. Do not mix it up with meiosis. There are 4 stages of mitosis: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telephase. During mitosis, chromosomes form, line up in the center of the cell, get surrounded by the spindles of the centrioles, and finally split in two.

What happens to a cell in meiosis?

a parent cell goes thru the 5 steps of mitosis twice and the end result is 4 daughter cells

Did nuclear division occur in mitosis or in intrphase?

4 I think

How does meiosis differ mitosis?

Mitosis makes new cells that are used during growth, development, repair, and asexual reproduction.Meiosis makes cells that enable an organism to reproduce sexually and happens only in reproductive structures.They both lead to cell division, rest is different. Meiosis leads to reductional division, taking place in sex cells only while Mitosis takes place in somatic (body) Cells. Meiosis produces 4 daughter Cells and mitosis produces 2.

How many chromosomes are in a human cell that has resulted from mitosis?

There are the same amount of chromosomes as when you started when cells divide via mitosis because you are forming 2 diploid cells i.e. 46 chromosome's. However in Meiosis you form 4 haploid cells because the process of Mitosis happens twice.