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Yes, it could. Any lien holder can initiate the foreclosure process - so if your 2nd mortgage goes into default, the mortgage company could choose to start foreclosure proceedings based on the default.

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Q: What happens if I let my second balloon mortgage go into default Is my home or 1st mortgage going to suffer?
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What happens if you default only on your home equity line but not your first mortgage?

The second mortgagee can foreclose and take possession of your property subject to the first mortgage.

Can you go into foreclosure if you default on your second mortgage?

Yes. Your second mortgage is secured by your home, so if you default on payments, the lender has the right to foreclose.

What rights does the second mortgage holder have if the first mortgage payments are up to date?

If the second mortgage is in default the second mortgagee can foreclose and take possession of the property subject to the first mortgage.

What happens to the second mortgage if the first mortgage is sold?

Nothing happens to it. It still remains in second place.

What risk is inherent in second mortgage loans?

the main risk is that the first mortgage will not be paid. if the first mortgage is not paid, goes into default, and is foreclosed, the second mortgage will be determined in the foreclosure sale.

What happens to the second mortgage if the first mortgage is paid off?

you then only have to pay the second

What is simple mortgage?

A mortgage is simple if it lacks complexities such as adjustable rates, balloon payment at end, mortgage insurance, reverse mortgage, second mortgage, etc. Fixed payments over fixed time-frame.

If you foreclose on your home and proceeds are not enough to pay the first and second mortgage what happens to the second mortgage lien?

You still owe the money to the mortgage provider.

If your first original mortgage is current can a second mortgage foreclose?

Yes. Any lien holder can initiate foreclosure proceedings when their lien is in default.

Can a second mortgage holder foreclose on a first bank mortgage holder?

yes, but it rarely happens.

How does a second mortgage appear on your original mortgage?

When a person or family buys a home with a mortgage, it is registered with the county or city registry as the first mortgage. The first mortgage is paid off first in whatever case. A second mortgage on the other hand is a secured home equity loan against the same property. If you default on your mortgage payments the lender has to wait after the till the first mortgage is paid. For this reason the second mortgage rates may be higher. Second mortgages are usually smaller loans.

What could happen if you have 2 mortgages on the same property and you only default on the smaller of the 2 mortgages?

A mortgage is a promise that you make to the lending company. You promise them that if you don't pay back the loan, then they can have your house. It's no different for the second mortgage except that if you fail to pay either bank, and they both want your house, then the first mortgage holder always wins. If you default on your second mortgage..then they have the right to foreclose and sell your property BUT they have to pay the balance on your first off. If you defalut on your first mortgage then they will give notice to your second mortgage company and give them the option to "accelerate " the mortgage and they can foreclose..but if the second does not then the first mortgage can foreclose and sell your property and only pay the second off if there is enough money from the sale. It really doesn't matter if the mortgage balance is the "smaller" it is who is recorded in first & second lien position.