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Her chances for pregnancy increase. Read the instructions for the pill, because it depends on which pill she missed. Chances are you'll need to take the pill as soon as you remember and use protection. Don't take any chances

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Q: What happens if a girl forgets to take the birth control pill?
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Can catholics take birth control?

Yes they can, it may upset your parents but it also shows them that you are being a responsible girl and that you want a say in what happens in your life.

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She becomes anorexic. She starves and lies and pukes and gets skinnier. She forgets everything except how fat she is.

What can a girl do if she doesn't want to get pregnant?

Birth control

What Happens When You kiss a girl on birth control pills?

well in collage about 10 years ago when i was studying to be a doctor i learned that yo can get a std if you kiss a girl that is on birth controls. They said that there is a 2% chance you can get the std aid/HIV but that is not the only std u can get . you can get a lot of std form kissing a girl that is on birth control if you kiss a girl while she is on birth control there is a 67.82% that you will end up with herpes or cancer because all the acid from the pills go in your mouth so be careful. So you have to wait until the girl is off of birth control the u have to wait until 2 months to kiss her so all the acid comes out her body form the pills.Thank you. Doctor Skillman-scrip 2

Can you get a girl pregnant even though she is on birth control?

Yes, you can.

How do you know if your girl is really using birth control?


Is a girl protected when she starts a new pack of birth control?

If a girl has been on the birth control before of the same dosage of hormones then yes. However if there is changes in the dosage it is best to consult the information package or check the birth controls website.

How do you find out if a girl is taking birth control pills?

u ask her

Do both the girl and the boy have to take birth control?

Just the girl. Boys don't give birth. But it is also used to cure bad acne

What happens if a girl forgets to take the birth control pill therefore has a early period?

This bleeding is called breakthrough bleeding, it is not a period - don't worry, just continue on with your pills as soon as you remember - if you are early in the cycle. if you are nearing the last week, you can toss the old pack and start your next packet. Be sure to use condoms as back-up until you have taken 7 active pills, over 7 days again.