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Salt is very bad for you.

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Q: What happens if a person do not consume enough salt?
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How much Salt should a child consume?

None! They get enough sodium through the foods they eat.

How does a person get iodine?

A person can get iodine in a variety of ways. Iodine can be absorbed in the body by consuming sea vegetables. A cheaper alternative would be to consume iodized sea salt.

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Why is it dangerous for a human to consume salt water?

all the salt dehydrates you

How much salt is an adult supposed to consume a day And age?

it depends on the adult. adults can consume generous amounts of sea salt with beneficial effects; however, table salt should be limited. the micronutrients in sea salt are necessary for optimal metabolic function. each person is different so if you crave salt, then eat it. read more about electrolyte involvement in metabolic homeostasis for more information.

Is most salt people consume added at the table?

no most salt people consume is added prior to cooking during the preperation phase of the food

What happens if one doesn't eat salt?

Salt is required to perform various essential functions. It helps in transmitting the information in nerves and muscles and also in maintaining the fluid in blood cells. So, if we doesn't consume salt, all these functions cannot be carried out.

What happens to a person when they eat a lot of salt all the time by itself?

you dont get cramps

What happens if you don't have enough salt?

Symptoms may include mental changes, headache, nausea and vomiting, tiredness, muscle spasms, and seizures. In severe cases, not having enough salt(s) can lead to coma and can be fatal.

What happens to the chlorine in salt that you eat?

The formula for salt is NaCl, and chlorine is not harmful to us in ion form, if it was gas it would be a different story. Plus there is only a tiny amount.

Where does salt that people consume comes from?

Depends. Some from the sea, some from salt flats.