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Then the liquid will get hotter.

Then the liquid will get hotter.

Then the liquid will get hotter.

Then the liquid will get hotter.

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Then the liquid will get hotter.

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Q: What happens if energy is added to a liquid at 20 Celsius?
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What happens to a liquid when energy is added?

it heats up

How will a substance change if energy is added to the liquid at 20 degrees Celsius?

The substance will get hawter

How will the substance change if energy is added to the liquid at 20 degrees celsius?

the substance will get hotter.

What happens when thermal energy is added to a liquid?

it heats up

What happens to particles inside of a solid liquid or gas when energy is added compared to when energy is removed?

When energy is added the particles inside the substance vibrate more. Conversely, the vibrate less when energy is removed.

What happens if you put heaps of energy (heat) into a liquid?

The liquid's temperature will increase. If enough heat is added, it will eventually evaporate.

What happens when energy is added to a sample of ice at 0 C?

The energy is used to break down hydrogen bonds between the water molecules making up the ice, during which there is no temperature change. Then the energy is used to change the ice into the liquid phase. Once the phase change is complete, the temperature will increase.

As heat energy is added to a liquid do the particles increase or decrease in movement?

As heat energy is supplied to a liquid, its temperature rises. The rise of temperature causes a rise in the kinetic energy of the particles; which happens when the speed of the particles increases.

When energy is added to a liquid and it changes into a gas it is called?

When enough energy is added to a liquid for it to change to a gas, the liquid has reached its _______________

When energy is added to liquid what does it change into?

The liquid is changed in a gas.

What happens to molecules as energy is added and the temperature increases?

what happens to molecules as energy is added the temperature increses

What happens to the energy put into a liquid during boiling?

Energy put into a liquid will raise the temperature of the liquid until the liquid begins to transition to the gaseous phase of matter. At this point, the added energy is used to propel the molecules to sufficient internal energy to escape the attractive force and gravity that combine to keep the liquid a liquid.