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The organism dies as no energy for even the simplest things, such as respiration and brain command, is available. Only in muscle cells can the organism switch to glycolysis for ATP production. The brain cells can not preform glycolysis.

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10y ago

If an electron transport chain does not obtain its supply of oxygen the electron and hydrogen protons stop flowing. This means there will not be enough protons to form ATP and the person will die.

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13y ago

Anaerobic organisms couldn't care less. Yet for aerobic organisms, both of these biochemically controlled processes would be halted.

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13y ago

The electron transport system stops reacting if there is no oxygen present. This causes soreness in the muscles.

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Q: What happens to the electron transport chain if oxygen is lacking?
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What happens when oxygen is present and includes glycolysis and Krebs cylcle and Electron transport?

Cellular Respiration.

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How can you justify the disappearance of oxygen as a measure of electron transport?

In the electron transport chain Oxygen is the final electron acceptor. Also the Oxygen accepts 2 Hydrogen ions, making water in the process. The dissapearance of Oxygen shows that the electron transport chain is working and that Oxygen is doing its job.

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Does hydrogen serve as the final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain?

No, oxygen is the final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain.

What are the electron acceptors in the electron transport chain?

The final electron acceptor is oxygen.

When oxygen is not present?

there is no oxygen present in the electron transport system.

When oxygen not present?

there is no oxygen present in the electron transport system.

Why is oxygen necessarly for cellular respiration?

Oxygen is the last electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.

Which is not present in oxygen?

Electron Transport Chain

Is oxygen present in aerobic respiration?

Yes. Oxygen is the last electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.