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A semicolon would be the appropriate punctuation connecting two independent clauses IF there is no coordinating conjunction; However, if there IS a coordinating conjunction (and, but...) then you would only use a comma to separate both independent clauses

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Q: What happens if two independent clauses are connected by a semicolon?
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Can a semicolon go inside a closing qutation mark?

If you're constructing a sentence that has two independent clauses connected by a semicolon and the first sentence happens to end with a quotation mark, hypothetically, the semicolon would go inside of the ending quotation mark. This is rarely the case, though. Typically, quotations end in either a comma and a conjunction, a single comma, or simply a period.

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When a statement is followed by a semicolon, this means that there is going to be another statement following the first statement which is related to it closely enough that it should not become a separate sentence.

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You mean this: if;Syntax error.Or you mean: if (condition);Perfectly legal; if the condition is true, nothing happens. If the condition is false, the else-statement is executed (if there is an else-statement).

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