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Normaly if they are both male you can keep them, but if one is female then she will be killed.

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Q: What happens if you have twins in the one child policy?
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What happens to the country with one child policy?

Nothing happens the government stick to there plans, if you have two children (twins) and there both male you can keep them if one is female she will be killed/drowned ect...... This is calledf One Child Policy in China

Who agrees with the one child policy?

76% of Chinese people approve of the one-child policy.

Because of the one child policy in china what would happen if a woman had conjoined twins?

Twins or multiple births of any kind did not violate the one-child policy in China.Also the one-child policy was phased out in 2015.

What if twins are born under China's one child policy?

then they will chose the best and/or strongest and healthiest child. Then execute the other

How does China control population growth?

The Chinese government introduced one-child policy in 1979 to alleviate the social and environmental problems of China. The one-child policy promotes couples having one child in rural and urban areas. It should really be called the "one birth policy" because parents are allowed to keep twins, triplets, etc.

Where does one child policy happen?

The 'One child' policy is related to China.

What happens if some in China has a child Before the 1 child Policy and One After the One child Policy?

You mean if they were pregnant with #2 when the policy came into play? Then the second one didn't count and it was fine having 2. if you mean they had one already and decided to have one more after the policy came into play, they had to pay I think it is 1-2 years salary as penalty if they want to keep it or leave it for adoption.

How is the one child policy in china similar to policies in India and in the us?

One child policy in china is made to control the population. In India, they do not have a one child policy currently but maybe in the future. In the us, they do not have a one child policy.

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Why one child policy?

A 'One Child' policy will reduce population in the next generation.

What does the one child policy prevent?

The one child policy prevents over-population and starvation.

What facts are there about the one child policy in china?

What do you think about China one child policy