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go to the doctor immediatly

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Q: What happens if you think you're pregnant but there is a somewhat of a hard spot just above you're stomach?
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What is above the stomach?

The liver is above the stomach.

Is your stomach above or below the waist?

It is above your intestine but only by less than a quarter of an inch.

Is the stomach above or below your intestine?


Can a gp tell if your pregnant after stomach examanation?

I assume you mean when the GP palpates your abdomen. If there is a pregnant uterus,the doctor is likely to notice. But if you are very newly pregnant and the doctor is not examining your uterus, he might miss it. It takes a few months for a pregnant uterus to move up above the pubic bone.

At 14 weeks pregnant where in the stomach is the baby postioned?

At 14 weeks pregnant the baby is still positioned mostly behind the pelvic bone. The growth of a uterus at 14 weeks gestation is about a inch above the top of the pelvic bone.

What is epigastric?

above the stomach

Should i have Pain above the belly button during pregnancy i am about 5 months pregnant. is this normal?

That could most likely just be the stretching of your stomach and you aren't used to the feel of that

What region of the body is used to describe pain that occurs above the stomach?

The epigastric region is located above the stomach.

Is the liver above the stomach?

The liver is located above the stomach in the abdominal cavity. It is in the upper right hand side below the diaphragm.

Where is a jelleyfishes stomach?

Stomach is the digestive organ of a jellyfish. The stomach of a jellyfish is right above its mouth , in the center of its body.

Is a persons stomach just below the waist?

That would be your bladder.. You stomach is above your waist.

Is the region of the body located above the stomach?

epi(above) gastric (stomache)