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After the female ferret in bred the vulva decreases in size, but will remain somewhat swollen. There may be a mucous discharge from the vagina, which is normal, but if it is yellow/brownish and/or foul smelling, it indicates an infection that needs medical attention.

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After the female ferret is bred, her vulva will decrease in size

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13y ago

The female ferret's vulva gets bigger when she is season and will stay that way until she mates. After mating the female ferret vulva's swelling will go down.

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Q: When a ferrets vulva gets bigger does that mean they are going to give birth?
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What is the vulva on a cow?

A cow's vulva is synonymous to a woman's "vagina" or vulva, and is the entry point from the outside where cows conceive to produce offspring, give birth to a calf, and also urinate from. The vulva of a cow is the entry-way to the vagina and the uterus, and is a part of the cows' reproductive system.

Does a pregnant cows vulva have to be swollen to have a calf?

it should be. or the calf could "get stuck". the vulva will swell prior to giving birth unless the calf comes really early.

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allows blood flow to pass and sperms to enter

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Not sure what you are referring to here, whether you are referring to the vulva swelling and the tail-head sinking or what. But typically, this occurs around 24 hours prior to giving birth, and is a sure sign that she is going to give birth within a day or so.

What do you call a girls private spot?

The female 'Private spot' is called the vulva . . . Within the vulva are the clitoris, the labia minora (smaller lips), meatus (peehole) and the entrance to the vagina (birth canal).

When yellow stuff comes out of a female ferret does that mean she is due to give birth?

A ferrets gestation period is about 42 days or 6 weeks. After the Jill is bred and the vulva decreases, she may have a thick mucous discharge when pregnant. If the discharge is yellow or brownish and/or foul smelling, it may be a indicate an infection and she should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible

Can a female ferret still get pregnant even after she's had the Jill jab?

It probably depends on what kind of injectable hormones are used and the timing of the injections when the female ferret is in estrus. As long as the vulva has reduced in size, would suggest she has been brought out of estrus. In either an injection of hormones or inducing ovulation by a sterile male, the vulva decreases to approximately one-fourth of the estrus size, it does not regress completely. These are suggestions from two different books on ferrets: * For female ferrets, injectable hormones are given 10 days or more after the swollen vulva is first noticed induce ovulation and end estrus in about a week. They will not work earlier. About 5 days after the injection, there will be a noticeable reduction in the vulva. The timing of the next heat in unpredictable, depending on many factors including photoperiod, diet, and the duration of the jill's heat before hormones were used. * This involves the injection of 100 USP units of chorionic gonadatropin, which acts like LH to promote ovulation and terminate estrus, used for this purpose. The injections for female ferrets should be given after the vulva reaches full size, usually about two weeks after you first notice that it is beginning to swell. If this hormone injection has induced ovulation, the vulva should begin to decrease in size within about one week, and then continue to get smaller. If after a week the vulva shows no sign of shrinking, a second injection should be given. If ther is still no sign of regression in the size of the vulva the following week, a third injection can be tried.

If a cows vulva is swollen how long until she gives birth?

It all depends on how swollen the vulva is and how quickly it swells. My pregnant cows vulva has doubled its size overnight so Im assuming a week or so. From memory it was huge last time she gave birth,it was large enough and floppy enough that it bounced as she walked and then she calved within the week. But I do think all cows are different,going by age and if she has calved before. Id also like to add,you can tell by the change in the cows behaviour where shes at. They tend to isolate themselves,rest more and urinate more just before calving.

What is the scientific name for a woman's private area?

The woman's private area is collectively called the vulva. The part at the lower end of the vulva where a man inserts his penis is called the vagina. The vagina is also what is commonly called the birth canal.

What is the purpose for vulva swabbing?

definition of vulva swabbing

Can ferrets get pregnant at any time of the year?

It is possible for a ferret to get pregnant at any time if exposed to more than 12 hours of light - natural and artificial lighting. Ferrets are photoreceptive breeders, meaning they will go into heat if exposed to more than 12 hours of daylight in a day. Large commercial ferret farms breed females three times a year.

How deep is a vulva?

The vulva isn't deep at all. "Vulva" refers to the external genitalia of a woman is thus superficial. The vulva includes the clitoris, labia majora and labia minora which surround the opening of the vagina.