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Snakes are very agile, intelligent, and coordinated animals. In most cases a snake would not bite itself, even on accident. However, if a snake were to bite itself, perhaps in the process of eating, it would have no adverse effect on the snake. Even if the snake was venomous it would not be hurt by its own bite, because venomous snakes are immune to their own venom. In extremely rare cases, some snakes have been known to ingest their tails, but there is not a known cause for this behavior and, as I said, it is extremely rare.

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There tail falls off but after a while they grow their tales back.

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Q: What happens to a lizard if an animal bites its tail off?
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Which animal can drop its tail?

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What animal eats its tail?

a lizard after its tail falls off

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lizard tail the back of a lizard tail that's there favorite my crab eat it all the time

What happens when you smoke lizard tail?

Reportedly, smoking a lizard tail will get you high. However, there is little concrete evidence to be found to support this rumor.

Does a dropped lizard tail make another lizard?

No, when a lizard loses its tail, the tail cannot grow into another lizard, even though the lizard can grow another tail. Lizards do not have the same regenerative ability as starfish.

What animal tail grows back if it is cut of in a battle?

a bearded lizard to show that hedon'twant to fight

What happens to a lizard if it loses it tail?

some lizards will grow them back and some lizards won't

How lizards break their tail as a way to escape from enemies?

I believe that what happens is that the predator catches the lizard by the tail, and then the tail breaks off and the lizard gets away, leaving the enemy there in awe with a tail dangling from his mouth. :] I believe the tail is mostly dead skin cells, and it can be regrown in a short period of time.

What lizard has a black white striped tail?

Zebra striped tail lizard

How is biting a lizard's tail dangerous?

Lizards have bacteria. If you bite the lizard's tail, you'll get sick from the bacteria. Also, you will irritate the lizard.

How long is a lizard's tail?

The longest lizard tail is about ten inches long at the very most.