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Q: What happens to a radioactive nucleus when it emits alpha particle and What happens to a radioactive nucleus when it emits alpha particle?
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What radioactive particle is the size of a helium nucleus?

alpha particle

Nucleus of the chemical element atomic number 2 emitted by some radioactive substances?

alpha particle, He nucleus

An alpha particle has the same structure as which nucleus?

The radioactive alpha particle has the same structure as the atomic nucleus of helium. They are usually formed and emitted during alpha decay.

Is an alpha particle radioactive?

An alpha particle itself is not radioactive, but it is the result of a type of radioactive decay called (obviously) alpha decay. The alpha particle is actually a helium-4 nucleus, and it will eventually pick up a pair of electrons and become an atom of that inert or noble gas.

What happens when two protons and two neutrons are ejected from a radium nucleus?

The radioactive gas radon is obtained: 226Ra-----alpha particle------222Rn

What happens to a radioactive nucleus when it emits gamma ray?

It's atomic number decreases by 2 (because it has lost two protons) but as an alpha particle is two protons and two neutrons the Atomic Mass decreases by 4.

If a radioactive nucleus with an atomic number of 88 emits an alpha particle what will the atomic number of the new nucleus be?

Two less, since the alpha particle takes away two protons.

Positively charged particle consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons which is given off by a radioactive substance is called what?

A radiation particle consisting of two protons and two neutrons is called an Alpha Particle. Alpha Particles have the same structure as a Helium nucleus. There are three forms of radiation, Alpha (Helium nucleus), Beta (a lone electron) and Gamma (an Electromagnetic wave).

When radium atomic number 88 emits an alpha particle the resulting nucleus has atomic numbers?

226Ra------------alpha particle----------222Rn (radon, a radioactive gas)

A high-speed electron ejected from a nucleus durng radioactive decay is called a?

an alpha particle

Are the alpha particle and helium nucleus the same thing?

Yes and no, alpha particles are a form or radiation (a helium nucleus), they are emitted from an unstable radioactive element which decays (and turns into some lighter element) by emitting the alpha particle. This form of decay is called alpha decay.

What has two protons and two neutrons and is identical to a helium nucleus?

An alpha particle, one of the possible emissions in radioactive decay.