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No, due to acceleration its velocity goes on increasing. It is given as v = g t

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Q: What happens to an object in free fall can it has a constant velocity?
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What happens to free-fall velocity when air resistance equals weight?

If air resistance equals the force of gravity, the object will cease to accelerate, so its velocity will remain constant.

An object in freefall accelerates at a constant rate of velocity?

No. An object in free-fall accelerates at a constant rate of acceleration.Its speed grows at a constant rate.

What happens as an object falls towards the earth?

It accelerates downward at a rate of 9.8m/s2. Depending on the object and how high above the earth it started, it may reach terminal velocity at which point it will no longer accelerate, but will continue to fall at a constant velocity.

What defines a point at which an object will not accelerate any more?

Terminal velocity defines the point at which an object will no longer accelerate. When a falling object reaches terminal velocity, it will continue to fall at a constant speed.

Which situation illustrates constant acceleration?

an object in free fall and an object's velocity is decreasing by the same amount every minute

Explaine what happens to the velocity and the acceleration of an object in fall?

An object falling from a tall building would accelerate at a rate of 9.807 m/s2 until it reached terminal velocity, at which point it would not accelerate until it impacted the ground. Its velocity would increase as it fell until reaching terminal velocity, and then 0 when it hit the ground.

What happens before terminal velocity takes place?

Before reaching terminal velocity, an object will fall faster and faster.

Which term refers to the speed at a falling object stops accelerating and begins to fall at a constant rate?

Terminal Velocity

What is teminal speed?

Terminal velocity that occurs during free fall describes the velocity at which drag force from the air becomes equal to the force from the weight of an object, and the object no longer accelerates, causing velocity to remain constant.

How does gravity affects the acceleration of a falling object?

The bigger the object the faster it causes it to fall until it reaches terminal velocity, then it falls at a constant speed.

What is the difference between free fall and terminal velocity?

The difference between free fall and terminal velocity i that free fall is when an object is falling or descending through the air with little air resistance or drag. Terminal Velocity, on the other hand is when the resistance of air and the force of gravity balance each other out causing the object to reach a constant velocity. .

What happens to an object in free fall near Earth's surface?

If air resistance can be neglected, the object will fall faster and faster. If air resistance is significant, the object will fall faster and faster, until it asymtotically approaches a "terminal velocity" - the velocity at which the downward pull of gravity is in equilibrium with the air resistance.