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she was voted off then made a cameo in total drama revenge of the island

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What happens if your Neopet is really smart?

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What is total drama island last episode?

You could tally the last episode as "The Last Episode, Really!", or the one hour special, called "Total Drama Drama Drama Island". -Carla520

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Not really. But some people compare Total Drama Island to "Survivor."

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i guess you win.

Who will be the winner of total drama the musical?

i already wrote something so search"who wins total drama the musical" and find my answer. i won't rewrite it cause its really long

Is total drama drama drama drama island the same as Total Drama Island?

Yes It Is, It Is The Total Drama Island Movie And There IS Also A Total Drama Action Movie Called Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special.

Can you get yourself on total drama world tour?

no not really they used the same people

What is the last episode of total drama island?

the very last episode really

Why is the total drama island special called total drama drama drama drama island not available on itunes?

The total drama island special called total drama drama drama drama island is not available on itunes because of publishing wars.