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The electrons in a conductor will support the movement of electric current. A conductor is defined as a material with a number of electrons in its makeup that are actually in what is called the conduction band. The conduction band is an energy level where electrons must be to permit conduction in a material. If the minimum energy in the conduction band in a material is such that a lot of electrons in that material are already at or above that level, then these electrons will be available to support current flow. Remember that electron current flow is moving electrons, and it is not about sending an electron into a conductor, like a wire, at one end and getting that same electron out at the other. It is about sending a bunch of them in at one end, and all the electrons already in the conductor move over and a bunch come out the other end. The electrons already in the conduction band within the conductor support current flow in this way.

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15y ago
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13y ago

The free electrons in a conductor will, when a difference of potential (voltage) is applied at its ends, participate in electron current flow (or just current, if you prefer).

The voltage applied to the conductor will drive current through the conductor, and the free electrons will support current flow. These electrons will actually move through the conductor. As electrons are driven into one end of the conductor, the free electrons "shift over" and electrons stream out the other end of the conductor. This is the essence of current flow in conductors.

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9y ago

There are many things that could happen when electrons move through a metal conductor. This could heat up the metal for example.

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14y ago

There will be a potential differences and the current will flow hence electricity

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12y ago

they conduct electricity and get charged

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6y ago

Electricity is a flow of electrons.

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Q: What happens to metals as they conduct electricity?
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