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During prophase the nuclear membrane disintegrates. The metaphase through anaphase the molecules are not formed as membranes. During telophase it reintegrates and in interphase it is present as normal.

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14y ago

Towards the end of the cell division but before the cytokinesis, the nuclear envelope is remade along with nucleolus on the opposite sides of the cell.

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11y ago

the dna condenses and goes from chromtin to chromosomes

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Q: What happens to the nuclear envelope towards the end of cell division?
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Why is it important for the nuclear membrane to be broken down during mitosis?

The nuclear membrane breaks down during prophase, while the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) The nuclear membrane must break down to allow the chromosomes to be pulled apart and away from the area of the former nucleus towards the pole where the daughter cell will be formed. If the nuclear membrane did not break down the spindle fibers would not be able to reach the chromosomes and they would not be moved towards opposite poles of the cell.

What happens during late prophase?

The late prophase is one of the stages in mitosis and during this stage there is a break up of the nuclear envelope and the microtubules that the spindle fibers are made up of called the polar fibers reach from the pole to the equator of each cell. Specialized regions that are in the centromeres of chromosomes called Kinetochores attach to kinetochore fibers which are a type of microtubules. The spindle polar fibers connect the polar fibers to the kinetochores through their interaction with the kinetochore fibers and the chromosomes start to migrate towards the center of the cell.

What happens to the chromosomes near the end of the process of mitosis?

Mitosis is the process of cell division in which the chromosomes condense and the spindle is assembled. In each phase the chromosomes do different things: prophase: during this first phase of mitosis, the parent chromosomes become compacted and the spindle begins to form creating an X-shape when looked at through a microscope; prometaphase: the nuclear membrane becomes many small vesicles during this phase. The spindle microtubules reach out until they connect the chromosomes to their kinetochore and then a sort of "tug-of-war" happens while the chromosomes bounce between the two poles; metaphase: the chromosomes align along the equator of the cell as they become connected to the spindle poles; anaphase: the chromosomes work their way into becoming individual/independent chromosomes as they begin to find their place near the poles; and telophase: the chromosomes find their poles, the spindle disbands, and each chromosome gets its new nuclear membrane.

What separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell?

during mitosis the spindle fibre seperates the sister chromatids , two on both sides of the cell. while the spindle fiber moves towards the pole this dividing of separate chromosome happens. also during late mitotic stage the nuclear material divides into two and eventually the cell membrane constricts dividing the cytoplasm to form two individual daughter cells.During mitosis, the cell itself separates. The nuclear envelope is dissolved, the already replicated chromosomes segregate. The two new cells. They each have a normal number/ complement of chromosomes.

Where are chromosomes found in eukaryotic cell?

In eukaryotic cells chromosomes are found within the nucleus. The only exception to this is during mitosis (i.e. cell division) when the nuclear membrane disappears and the chromosomes line up at the metaphase plate and then move towards opposite direction in anaphase. Reaching the telophase these are again surrounded by the nuclear envelop.

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What happens towards the end of pregnancy?

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Why do eukaryotes have a nucleus and a prokaryote does not?

There is no true answer, only theories. It goes that the cell membrane in the early eukaryotes invaginated towards the nucleus more and more over time and finally just created a nuclear envelope in the cell. This allows the eukaryotic cell to control what molecules and proteins can enter and exit the nucleus via nuclear pores. The eukaryotes and prokaryotes split off in the evolution chain because a nucleus has advantages and having no nucleus has advantages too.

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