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The particles move faster, bumping into each other more, causing the average distance between particles to increase.

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Q: What happens to the average kinetic energy of the particles in a simple of matter as the temperature of the simple is increase?
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What happens to the temperature increase the number of particles what happens to the pressure?

Increasing the temperature the number of particles remain constant and the pressure increase.

What happens to particles in a substance whe the sustance's temperature increase?

At higher temperatures, the particles move around faster.

What happens to temperature if the average motion of particles is increased?

It goes up.

What happens to temp when particles are spread out and move rapidly?

Particles spread out and move rapidly due to the increase in temperature. Movement of particles is dependent on temperature...not the other way around.

What happens when the temperature of a gas increased?

If you increase the temperature of a gas, its particles (atoms or molecules) will speed up. If it is in a closed container, the pressure will also increase.

What happens to the range to energies of the particles in matter when the temperature is increase?

the range of energies becomes broader

When the temperature of a substance decreases increases what happens?

The temperature of a substance increases as the mean random kinetic energy of its particles increases. This is because temperature of an object is directly proportional to the kinetic energy of its particles. Thus when the particles move faster as a whole, such as when the object is put near a flame, the object heats up.

What happens to the particles in objects during conduction?

When a body is conducting, its mobility of ions( valence) is responsible for conduction. As mobility increase, conduction increase. That's why falling temperature reduce it and rising temperature increase it.

What happens to the motion of an object's particles as their thermal energy increases?

They start to move faster, therefore, the reaction will happen quicker. This is because there is more chance of a collision between the particles.

What happens to particles as the temperature increases?

As the temperature of a substance increases, its molecules move faster and therefore take up more space. This generally causes a substance to increase in volume when heated.

As heat energy is added to a liquid do the particles increase or decrease in movement?

As heat energy is supplied to a liquid, its temperature rises. The rise of temperature causes a rise in the kinetic energy of the particles; which happens when the speed of the particles increases.

What happens to particles in a substance when its heated or cooled?

In a solid, the particles start to vibrate a lot.In a liquid, the particles begin to move around faster and faster.In a gas, the particles move extremely fast through the air.