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Q: What happens to the primary tissue of a stem when secondary growth occurs?
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Do Woody plants lack secondary growth?

Primary growth is responsible for elongating the plant. In woody plants, primary growth is then followed by secondary growth which allows the plant stem to increase in thickness or girth.

How does secondary succession differ from primary succession?

Primary succession occurs after the complete wipe out of vegetation. After the wipe out occurs, small shrubs and grasses grow. Secondary succession however, occurs when there has been destruction to the land, but not enough to completely devastate the area. Hard woods grow during secondary succession.

When succession begins habitats have few examples of life called?

Primary succession happens in a place where there is no soil and as a gradual growth of an ecosystem over a long period of time. Secondary succession occurs where there is already vegetation but has been destroyed by a natural disaster.

What color happens when 3 primary colors overlap?

The color brown occurs when the 3 primary colors overlap. Color theory teaches that mixing a primary color and its complementary secondary color will make brown. This works because the complementary secondary color contains the other two primary colors.

Series of changes that occurs after a disturbance in an ecosystem?

Secondary succession is the series of changes that occur after a disturbance (like a forest fire or hurricane) in an ecosystem.Do not confuse this with primary succession, which is a gradual growth of an ecosystem over a long period of time after a disturbance, such as a volcano that erupted.The difference is that secondary succession occurs when some vegetation and soil remaining after the disturbance, whereas primary succession occurs when very little or no vegetation or soil is present.

When successions first Begin habitat have few examples of life called?

Primary succession happens in a place where there is no soil and as a gradual growth of an ecosystem over a long period of time. Secondary succession occurs where there is already vegetation but has been destroyed by a natural disaster.

What is the different between primary absorbance and secondary absorbance in fluorescence?

in primary light absorbed by outer molecule while in secondary re-absorbance occurs

What kind of ecological succession occurs when soil has not yet formed?

primary succession

What type of succession occurs in an area where an ecosystem has been disturbed?

primary succession

Do all angiosperms undergo secondary growth?

No, most monocots (which fall under flowering plants) do not undergo secondary growth due to the fact that they lack vascular cambium.

Where does does plant growth occur?

Primary growth in plants occurs at the apical meristem.

What is the site of primary growth for plants?

one answer: cell growth, which is caused by photosynthesis.