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It burns EVERYTHING! Damages everything.

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Q: What happens when a volcano occurs?
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What event happens when a volcano occurs?


What type of volcano occurs along a convergant plate boundary?

a Composite Volcano.

What is the focus point of a VOLCANO?

Where the earthquake occurs

What happens if you put soda in a natural volcano?

It will do nothing to the volcano.

What happens if water got into a volcano?

the volcano comes to your house and yells at you!

What type of volcano is mountain Eyjafjallajokull?

It is a shield volcano, as it occurs on a divergent pllate boundary (constructive boundary)

What happens as a result of molten rocks building up pressure under earths crust?

An erupting volcano occurs when the pressure of the molten lava beneath becomes too great.

What kind of erosion happens after a volcano happens?

Soil erosion

What happens when a volcano collapse on itself?

When a volcano collapses on itself a caldera is then formed.

What happens when a volcano collapses in on itself.?

When a volcano collapses on itself a caldera is then formed.

What happens as a volcano erupts?


What happens if volcano do not erupt?

there will be no rocks