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The carbon mixes with the water. All it does is cause bubbles and fizzing.

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Q: What happens when baking soda gets in water?
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What happens when you mix water in baking soda?

it gets a little colder, we did it in Biology class

What happens when baking soda is added to oil with water?

The baking soda dissolves in the water

What happens if you mix baking soda and water together?

you get baking soda in water, aka nothing. my mom drinks it when she feels sick i think

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What happens when you mix baking soda water and salt?

not much.

What happens when you mix baking soda and water?

A homogeneous solution is obtained.

What happens when you mix baking soda with water?

it forms carbon dioxide

What happens when baking soda and sodium chloride are mixed in water?

The concentration increases. Eventually, all of the water will evaporate leaving dry baking soda behind.

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Does water with baking soda boil faster than the plain water?

Baking soda is a solid, therefore it will not evaporate even when mixed with water. The water will evaporate and leave the baking soda behind.

Which gets stains out the best Baking Soda or vinegar?

I would say baking soda.

Which is more soluble in water sugar or baking soda?

Baking soda is more soluble in water than sugar.