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this transistor is common emitter configurated transistor nd if emmiter nd collector both terminals are reversed bias then no current will be flowing through th terminal...

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11y ago
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12y ago

when the base and collector are short the more current transfers to ground as earth is a huge conductor of electricity it neglects the charges........

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11y ago

Without knowing more about your circuit I cannot say.

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14y ago

acts like a diode

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Q: What happens when collector and base of a transistor are short?
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in a properly biased transistor, collector and emitter current also decrease

What are the parts of a transistor?

The emitter, the base, and the collector are parts of a transistor.

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A Darlington pair uses two transistors connected to behave as a single transistor with a very high current gain (beta). Transistor-1 has its collector connected to the collector of transistor-2. Transistor-1 has its emitter connected to the base of transistor-2. The base of transistor-1 with the emitter and collector of transistor-2 is used as a single transistor.

Can you use transistor as diode?

its the simplest thing to do. There are three legs in a transistor, one each of collector, base and emitter. So if you need to use it as a diode, just connect either collector-base or emitter-base. Say, if you use an NPN transistor, then the base region will be the anode of diode and emitter or collector will be the cathode of the diode.

What are the three terminals of a transistor?

Emitter, Base, Collector.

Bc stands fo what in transistor?

base to collector

What are the parameters of a transistor?

# parameter are usually the base current ib,collector current ic,emitter current ie,collector emitter voltagevce,base emitter voltagevbe,collector base voltagevcb which decide the operation &output of the transistor

Is a diode like a transistor?

No. A diode is not like a transistor, and a transistor is not like (two) diode(s). Taken in isolation, the emitter-base and collector-base junctions of a transistor appear to be diodes, but they are coupled together so that the base-emitter current affects the collector-emitter current.

What will be the collector current of emitter base junction of a transister is reversed?

The question is poorly phrased and needs a grammatical cleanup. If you mean to ask "what happens to the collector-emitter current of a transistor when the emitter-base junction is reverse biased" then the answer is that the transistor will turn off, and you will only see leakage current.

Why is the base of transistor made very thin?

Base of transistor is made thin just to get Collector current equal to Emitter current.

How do you know if a transistor is a PNP or an NPN?

To know if a transistor is PNP or an NPN,the following should be verified:For a PNP transistor, the base-collector junction is forward biased while the base-emitter junction is reversed biased.For an NPN transistor, the base-emitter junction is forward biased while the base -collector junction is reversed biased.

What happens when both emitter and collector are forward biased?

When base signal is given to transistor at the time of forward bais of emitter and collector the current flows from high potential to low potential