

What happens when metals burn?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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it get's hotter than a burning temperature

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13y ago

They form metal oxides.

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Q: What happens when metals burn?
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What type of item does not burn?

Generally speaking, metals do not burn. However, with a great amount of heat, metals can bend and lose structural integrity.

When metals burn what susbtances are formed?

Metals cannot 'burn'. Most likely, your 'burning' metal is enriched with other elements that burn. It can melt, it then just melts into liquid metal, then it is still metal.

When metals burn in air what do they form?

they from to liquid form

Does a metal burn when it gets higher than its melting point?

No. Metals do not burn, only melt.

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they form a salt

Which metal that when is heated with a Bunsen burned it does not decompose?

Metals are not decomposed by heating. Some metals burn, as magnesium.

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Fluorides don't normally burn.

What happens when gases mix with metals?

At a given temperature gases can react with metals.

Can acids burn through metals?

Most all can, but there are a few different types that cannot burn through metal. Although these metals are mush lesser known than the more common kinds that do.

What happens when you heat metals or non metals?

they form an ionic compound that mix together.