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Hydrogen peroxide purchased from a store or science supply house has been stabilized so that expected loss due to spontaneous decomposition into oxygen and water is less than 3% per year. Without adding a catalyst, you will have to wait a very long time to collect the oxygen from a sample of hydrogen peroxide.

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Q: What happens when oxygen is prepared from hydrogen peroxide without adding a catalyst?
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Yes, it would bubble because the bubbles are the result of the breakdown of two hydrogen peroxide molecules into oxygen and two water molecules.

What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide with an apple?

It gets softer.

Can an apple break down hydrogen peroxide?

Yes it can. I did it in science class just today, and it works. It happens slowly but it does break down hydrogen peroxide.

What happens when you combine hydrogen and oxygen?

dihydrogen oxide, hydronium ion, Hydroperoxyl and Hydrogen peroxide

What happens when you mix bleach hydrogen peroxide and iodine?

Iodine crystals

What happens if you get hydrogen peroxide in your eye?

Just rinse out with water asap

What happens if you put hydrogen peroxide with boiled water?

Depending on the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide, (if low enough) it will just decompose into water and oxygen gas. If the hydrogen peroxide is high enough in concentration it will just heat up and mix with the water (most likely the first will occur).

What happens when hydrogen peroxide is mixed with raw steak?

i think all the blood will disappear

What happens when hydrogen peroxide decomposes?

h2o2 decomposes to o2 and h2o.h2o2 is very harmful

What happens if you add another atom of oxygen to a molecule of water?

H2O2 is the hydrogen peroxide.

What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide and iodine and sugar?

Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic substance that is sometimes made in our cells due to some chemical reactions. It is poisonous so cells produce an enzyme called 'Catalase' which break down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Because catalase is in our blood, if hydrogen peroxide is added to it, it breaks down: Blood + H2 O2(hydrogen peroxide) --changes to-- H2O (water) + O2 (oxygen).

What happens if you put an orange seed in hydrogen peroxide?

it helps the seed grow faster or enhancer