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they hug each other

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Q: What happens when plates collide but no subduction occurs?
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what is place where subduction occurs?

Where two plates collide

When two oceanic plates collide it creates?

when two oceanic plates collide they create a deep-ocean trench, at deep-ocean trenches subduction occurs.

What occurs when two plates collide and one of the plates dips below the other?

It is called subduction. When subduction occurs one plate slips beneath the other and sinks into the Earth's mantle and creates a trench.

What type of boundary is made when plates collide?

continental plates meeting form fault lines

When does subduction occur?

Subduction is a process that occurs when two oceanic plates pull apart

What forms where two oceanic plates collide?

subduction zone

Where two plates collide and one goes on top?


When plates collide what forms above the subduction zone?


What will happen when stress builds up in a tectonic plate and the plates collide?

When that happens a earthquake is produced.

What zone formed where two oceanic plates collide?

zone of subduction

What subduction zone?

Subduction is when two plates collide, and one moves underneath the other, or subducts. The denser one is the one that subducts. Subduction is caused by the collision of two plates.