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When nobody receives votes from more than half of the electors, the U.S. House of Representatives elects the President from among the top three presidential candidates with the most electoral votes, and the U.S. Senate elects the Vice President from between the top two vice-presidential candidates with the most electoral votes. That's how John Quincy Adams got elected in 1825 despite being less popular and receiving fewer electoral votes than Andrew Jackson, and the same rules are still in effect today.

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Q: What happens when somebody is elected for president and doesn't have enough electoral votes?
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What happens if there isn't a majority vote for president?

If there is not majority in the Electoral College, the vote goes to the House of Representatives. The president is then elected by a majority of states representatives.

What happens if Texas does not vote in the electoral vote?

The total number of electoral votes is 538 - 100 (senators) + 435 (representatives) + 3 (for DC). A majority is 270 - one more than half of the total number of 538. If Texas did not cast its electoral votes, the President still would be elected in the electoral college if a candidate received 270 electoral votes. If no candidate receives at least the required majority of 270 electoral votes, the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides that the U.S. House of Representatives will select the president, with each of the fifty state delegations casting one vote, and the U.S. Senate will select the vice-president.

What happens if a person is elected president but they die before they are sworn in?

The assistant president will be sworn into office.

If the candidate for president has no majority of the electoral votes the president is elected by?

The House of Representatives. The three candidates who receive the most electoral votes are submitted to the House. Each state gets one vote (i.e. California has many more representatives than Alaska, but both states only get one vote). This happened once, in 1824 between John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, and William Harris Crawford, with Adams winning in what some have called "The Corrupt Bargain."

What happens if a presidential candidate does not get a nessacary electoral vote to win the election?

when that happens they get kicked out of the country. I love class

How is the vice president of the u.s. selected?

The VP is elected in the same manner as the president, but separate votes are cast for the VP and president. Just because a presidential candidate is elected does not mean his/her VP running mate must be elected, although this usually happens.

What happens if the electors fail to select a president and vice president?

If there is no clear winner in hte electoral college, the House of Representatives elects the president by simple majority vote.

What happens to a candidate's personal finances once elected president?

Personal finances are untouched and continue to generate income for a President.

Does your vote count?

Technically yes. The president gets elected based on the Electoral vote, not the popular vote. So even if a candidate wins the popular vote, they can still lose the Electoral vote. but that almost never happens. the electoral college was put in place by the founding fathers because they didnt want the average person(uneducated hill folk) deciding who the president would be. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes It does. When you vote the state sees the votes and th e person who got the most votes by us, Gets all the Electoral Votes for that state.

What happens if no president candidae gets 270 electoral votes?

If no candidate for president receives a majority of electoral votes for president, the Twelfth Amendment of the United State Constitution provides that the U.S. House of Representatives will select the president, with each of the fifty state delegations casting one vote. In the 1824 presidential election an individual needed to receive at least 131 electoral votes out of the 261 total electoral votes. Andrew Jackson received 99 electoral votes, John Quincy Adams received 84 electoral votes, William Crawford received 41 electoral votes, and Henry Clay received 37 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Andrew Jackson 151,271, John Adams 113,122, Henry Clay 47,531, and William Crawford 40,856. Since no candidate received the required majority of 131 electoral votes, the president was elected by the U.S. House of Representatives in accordance with the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution. John Quincy Adams won the election in the House of Representatives.

What happens if both candidates get 269 electoral votes?

If neither candidate gets a majority of the Electoral Votes, the election for President is decided in the House of Representatives, with each state delegation having one vote. Senators would elect the Vice-President.

Is Obama the only president who won both the electoral and popular votes?

No, not at all. Such is what usually happens. Only four times has this not been the case.