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If you stop being a member on Runescape, your account goes back to being a F2P (free to play) account. You won't be able to use any of your items that are for members, but if you ever go back to be a member everything will come back, all your items and everything. Even after going to a F2P account if you go back to being a member later all your stats for members only will still be where they were when you went to F2P.

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14y ago
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14y ago

When you cancel your subscription, a few things will happen.

1. You will be unable to log onto members-only worlds.

2. You will be unable to equip members-only clothes and armor (if you are already wearing them you will continue to wear them until you take them off).

3. You will be unable to put more than 68 different items into your bank account (if you have more than 68 different items, you will keep them, but you will not be able to deposit anything until you get your item count down below 68).

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15y ago

You will not be able to go to members only worlds now. All your members items will be stuck in your inventory and cannot be sold in a free world yrp then u have to stay with it

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12y ago

you lose your money.. until it gets unbanned.

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Q: What happens when you cancel your membership on runescape?
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What happens to your house in runescape if you cancel membership?

All Your Stuff GOes TO Bank And You Have TO Redecorate It When YOur Member Again...:)

How do you cancel your account on runescape?

If you are trying to cancel your membership you can go to account management on the home page under account and then click cancel subscription. You would then go through the process to cancel the membership. But as to deleting your account it is not possible to do without Jagex actually doing it.

How can you take the member off in RuneScape?

I think you can't cancel a membership; you just have to wait for the membership to expire. In any case, check the RuneScape Web site, they may give additional information.

In runescape is it possible to end your membership early?

Yes, simply by doing the following:Runescape Homepage > cursor over account > account management > Cancel Subscription.Then all you need to do is follow the process after that to cancel your membership.

Rid of RuneScape membership?

You can cancel Runescape membership by going to "Account" on the Menu, then clicking "Account Management, then "Account Information", then click cancel subscription to cancel your existing membership. Contrary to what this message previously said, the email is not the email of a Jagex Staff Member, the Jagex Staff will NEVER ask you for your account name and password, keep in mind hexfreak2 is just a scammer who wants accounts.

How do you quit membership on runescape?

On the account management feature ( if you payed by credit card ) there should be a cancel membership link, just simply click that to cancel it. If you done it my phone or sms just simply wait for it to run out.

Can you cancel a direct buy membership?

Unfortunately you can't.When you are deciding to have a membership you must think it over BEFORE you buy it.You can technically cancel it but you will not get your money back dont worry you can cancel it all you have to do is click on upgrade to member and then click cancel runescape membership forever.just kidding not forever. You can cancel your membership by going to account settings and canceling it. You won't get a refund, but your current days left stay, giving you time to clean up and members stuff. Oh, and I hope this is RuneScape you're talking about. Club Penguin, no idea.

Can you cancel a club penguin membership while it is going on?

Yes, you can cancel your membership by going to the membership page and click cancel my membership.

how to cancel YMCA membership?

You can cancel your YMCA membership by this methods By letter You can cancel membership through online YMCA website

What happens when your RuneScape membership expires when you are standing in a members-only zone?

when you log in you will be in lumbridge

What is the process of cancelling an AA membership?

To cancel the aa membership you have to go to their website and you can cancel it or also if you want to call them they can cancel the membership for you.

How do you cancel a books direct membership?

go to runescape home Page And go to member ship and do cancal member ship Good LUCK! :) :/ :-) :~ :$ :&