

What happens when you put corn syrup in bubbles?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What happens when you put corn syrup in bubbles?
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If you put vinegar oil or corn syrup or water in a container which liquid would sink to the bottom?

Corn syrup because corn syrup is denser than water.

Why do factories put corn syrup in most foods you buy?

High fructose corn syrup is used because it is less expensive than sugar and increases profits.

What happens when corn is put in water?

you have wet corn

What happens when you put a egg with no shell that's just been in corn syrup into distilled water?

the eggs mass will change the egg will have more mass than before

Do you have to put corn syrup in cotton candy?

No you don't, unless you want that flavour

What happens to the corn syrup when an egg without shell is put in to it?

the egg decreases in mass because the water moves out of it through the membrane, this happens because water goes from low high to concentration. this is called osmosis.

If you put karo corn syrup in a gas tank will it ruin it?

oh ya, lol.

How much Karo do you put in baby formula to make their bowels move?

For an infant who is constipated, you can feed him 1 teaspoon of corn syrup in 4 ounces of cooled, boiled water. Do not add corn syrup to formula.

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Little bubbles form around it...

What happens when you put vinegar on talc?

poops the vinegar

How many grams of sugar in one tablespoon of corn syrup?

take a tablespoon and put corn flour in it. p.s. it's how MUCH corn flour is in a tablespoon... <3

What happens to sugar if put into hot water?

It dissolves, and you make simple syrup.