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A penny.

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Q: What has a Head tails brown and no lags?
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How many dogs does a trainer have if she says that twelve of them are brown thirteen have short tails five are brown with short tails and four are not brown and have long tails?


How many possible outcomes of tossing a coin 3 times have exactly 1 head?

The outcomes are: heads, tails, tails or tails, heads, tails or tails, tails, heads. You can see that there are 3 possible outcomes with exactly 1 head.

What color are white tails?


What is an antonym for head?


How do you kill the tails doll in tails nightmare?

chainsaw its head off

What is the best way to survive a horde of zombies if you are cornered and out of ammo?

brake its lags then stomp on it head

A fair nickel and a fair dice are tossed once outcomes match when both coins land on heads or both coins land on tails What is the theoretical probability of a match?

The probability of 2 coins both landing on heads or both landing on tails is 1/2 because there are 4 possible outcomes. Head, head. Head, tails. Tails, tails. Tails, heads. Tails, heads is different from heads, tails for reasons I am unsure of.

What does the tails side of a dime mean?

The tails side is the side without the head on it.

Do brown bunnies have white tails?

Well, yes. Most bunnies/rabbits have white tails.

What is the opposite of tails?

The opposite of tail is head!

What has a head and tails but no arms and legs?

a quarter

A Phospholipid molecule has a head and the two tails are found where?

the head are found at the inner and outer surfaces of the cell membrane while the tails are at the center or the middle of it