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Q: What has a relative mass of 1836 if the mass of electron is 1?
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Relative mass of electron?

1/1840 the mass if a hydrogen atom.

What is the electron mass an atom?

an electron is about 1/1836 amu.

What is the atomic mass of an electron?

an electron is about 1/1836 amu.

In atomic mass unit what is the mass of an electron?

About 1/1836.

What is the exact fraction of an electron's mass?


What is the mass of an electron approximately equal to?

1/1836 the mass of a proton

What is the mass of 1 electron?

1/1836 of an electron is the mass of an electron. It is so small they aren't even calculated in the Atomic Mass of an element

Why electron don't have mass?

An electron does have mass, but it's so small that it's often considered 0. If the mass of a proton or neutron is 1, then the mass of an electron is about 1/1836.

How do the masses of one electron compare to the masses of protons and neutrons?

mass of electron = 1/1836 mass of proton (or neutron)

Component of an atom?

The component of an atom is a Proton and a Neutron.

What are the charges and relative masses of the main subatomic particles?

electron = relative charge = 1- relative mass = 1/1840 proton = relative charge = 1+ relative mass = 1 neutron = relative charge = 0 relative mass = 1

What have almost equal masses to the proton?

No, it isn't. The mass of an electron is significantly smaller than that of a proton.The mass of 1,800 electrons is about the same as the mass of one single proton.The antiparticle of the electron, the positron, has the same mass as the electron.the mass of the electron is not the same to the mass of the proton