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The ozone layer is damaged over the poles. It is due to the low temperature.

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9y ago

Ozone has caused much damage. It caused harmful UV to enter the earth.

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10y ago

Humans have a huge role to damage the ozone layer. The use of man made CFCs is the largest. These chemicals react with ozone present in the ozone layer and deplete it.

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10y ago

The ozone layer is getting damaged as the ozone molecules are being depleted by the use of Ozone depleting substances by human beings. These chemicals destroy ozone and cause ozone hole.

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Where has most damage to the ozone layer occurred?

Most of the damage done to ozone layer is at the poles. It is due to the low temperature.

How can you stop damage being done to the ozone layer?

In order to stop damage to the ozone layer, we mustPlant more treesavoid the use of CFC containing products.

What can be done to prevent any further damage to the ozone layer?

To prevent further damage, curb CFC's. they are the ones that deplete ozone.

What is being done to prevent damage to the ozone layer?

We know that the ozone depletion is caused by CFC's. To prevent depletion, CFC's are banned.

What has been done to prevent further damage to the ozone layer?

To avoid further damage we must:Plant more treesAvoid the use of CFC's.

What is being done in the US to damage to the stratosphere ozone layer?

The US is trying to stop the damage in stratosphere. They are doing this by banning CFC's.

How ozone layer depletes?

See "What is depleting the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below. "What" is depleting the ozone layer describes "How" it is depleted.

What can be done to prewent the ozone layer destroying?

The ozone layer can be protected. It can be done so by avoiding CFC's.

What is being done in US to stop damage to the stratospheric ozone layer?

In order to stop the ozone depletion, the use of CFC's has been banned. These CFC deplete the ozone by decomposing it.

What is being done in the US to stop damage to the stratosphere ozone layer?

The US is trying to stop the damage in stratosphere. They are doing this by banning CFC's.

What needs to be done the ozone layer?

Ozone layer needs to be replenished. It is because of its destruction.

How is the ozone layer being protected?

The ozone layer is being protected. It is done by spreading awareness.