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Q: What helped both china and the Khmer empire prosper?
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How big was Khmer use to be?

The Khmer are what we today call Cambodians. Some centuries ago, the Khmer Empire covered all of today's Cambodia and all or most of today's Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. They were the 500 pound gorilla of the area. China, to the north, was the 1200 pound sabertooth tiger, both militarily and culturally.

Did China prosper?

i think so:)

What stories did zhang qian bring back from west of china?

The Roman Empire :) hope this helped

Where did the Khmer rouge go in 1978?

They were either wiped out, laid down arms and remained in Cambodia, or fled to China (which backed the Khmer Rouge).

Which country influenced the Khmer Empire?

Mostly India and China. We don't know which one influenced the most, but seem to India since all temples that were built at that time dedicated to Hindu gods.

Was Khmer rouge aligned with the US?

No. The US was opposed to the Khmer Rouge. Materially, they were supplied by a number of sources, but the government which backed them was the Peoples Republic of China.

Where was Pol pot during the cambodian genocide?

Khmer Rouge was located in Cambodia, China.

Does Thailand have major land forms?

No it does not. Thai people was kicked out from China and Tibet. They came to live in Southeast Asia. King of Khmer allowed them to live with peace, but later they forms its own nation and started to steal Khmer lands.Thailand formed from a small lands, then it got bigger by taking from the neighboring countries. In 1400s, the rise of Laos and Thai kingdoms caused the weaken of Khmer Empire. Thailand and Laos took most of Cambodian lands.

Did China support Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?

Yes. The Khmer Rouge was backed by the PRC, which is also what led to the Sino-Vietnamese War. Vietnam invaded Cambodia and expelled the PRC-backed Khmer Rouge, and this in turn triggered the war between Vietnam (who remained aligned with the Soviet Union) and China (who had a major split with the Soviet Union between the 1950s and 1970s).

Which two great traditions were combined in the Thai Khmer and Vietnamese civilizations in Southeast Asia?

China and India

Are the Khmer Rouge still in power over Cambodia?

No,the Khmer Rouge were vanquished by the Vietmanese Army in 1978-9.Vietnam did this because the Khmer Rouge repeatedly made incursions across the border.The Khmer Rouge were driven into the jungles,where they began to dis-band.China then invaded the north of Vietnam in protest.Much to their suprise,Vietnam inflicted heavy losses on the Chinese and China withdrew.

What empire was the great wallof china?

The great wall of china was not build by one empire but several