

What helps mix the soil and make humus?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What helps mix the soil and make humus?
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Most of the work of mixing humus within the soil is done by?

Earthworms do most of the work of mixing humus with other materials in soil. Earthworms and burrowing animals also help aerate, or mix air into, the soil.

What factors affect the thickness of the horizons and the composition of the soil?

I think this is the answer: Some soil organisms mix the soil and make spaces in it for air and water. Other soil organisms make humus, The material that makes soil fertile.

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It is recycled by organisms known as decomposers

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Weathered rock and materials and decayed plant and animal remains from?

humus They could simply become fossils and in other casses decomposition may fully occur to produce humus, or they might just disintegrate the more, then mix up to develop soil. But most times the ultimate result usually ends up in the formation of sedimentary rocks, after the minerals, fossils, humus, regoliths, and soil, all combine and gets hardened over a long period of time.

How do animals affect each other in the soil?

Some soil organisms mix the soil and make spaces in it for air and water. Other soil organisms make humus, the material that makes soil fertile. As for plants, the roots of flowers, a tree, weeds, grass etc. all break up the soil and hold it into place.

Is bedrock the part of soil that consists of decaying organic matter?

No, bedrock is not the part of soil that consists of decaying organic matter.Specifically, bedrock comprises one of six soil horizons or layers. Organic animal and plant matter decompose in the topmost layer and supply the layer immediately below with the humus content of A horizon's humus-mineral mix. Bedrock is found in sixth, bottommost layer which includes unweathered rock.

When dead plants and animals decompose what happens to the matter that it made of?

When they die, they decompose and mix with the soil.

Weathered rock and minerals and decayed plant and animal remains form .?

humus They could simply become fossils and in other casses decomposition may fully occur to produce humus, or they might just disintegrate the more, then mix up to develop soil. But most times the ultimate result usually ends up in the formation of sedimentary rocks, after the minerals, fossils, humus, regoliths, and soil, all combine and gets hardened over a long period of time.

What forms when small pieces of rock mix with humus?

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