

What hormone can cause gigantism?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What hormone can cause gigantism?
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Related questions

Which hormone is responsible when a person suffers from gigantism?

Growth hormone

Is gigantism a dominant or recessive gene?

No, gigantism is not genetic. Gigantism is caused by a malfunction of the growth hormone so it has nothing to do with your parents or grandparents.

What anterior pituitary hormone is associated with dwarfism gigantism and acromegaly?

Growth hormone is produced and released by the anterior pituitary. Excess early in life can produce gigantism, deficiency can cause dwarfism. Later in life, excess causes acromegaly.I'm looking for this same answer and just found it!:growth-hormone deficiency

What hormone causes dwarfism or gigantism in children when levels are improprerly regulated?

Growth hormone.

Why is gigantism usually more difficult to treat than dwarfism?

some forms of dwarfism are caused by a hormone insufficiency, which can be partially treated by providing the patient with the hormone (growth hormone). in gigantism instead, there is overproduction of this hormone, which can't be put in normal range.

What is the Hypersecretion of growth hormone in an adult called?


What is to much of a growth hormone called?

Too much growth hormone would result in Gigantism.

What is the amount of hormones present in gigantism?

The amount of hormone that is present in gigantism is HYPER because you can choose either ( HYPO or HYPER) . Because the gigantism is overproduction of growth hormones during childhood or adolescence.

Do hormones play a role in sexual development?

Yes growth hormone i.e. Somatotrophic hormone control general growth of body.Its hyposecreation in children cause Dwarfism, in adult it can cause Simmond's disease.Its hypersecreation in children cause Gigantism and in adult Acromegaly

Can animals get pituitary gigantism?

Pituitary gigantism is very common among several animals. This is when the hormone regulation results in a larger than normal animal.

What is the result if the anterior pituitary gland produces growth hormone in an adult?


What does over secretion of the human growth hormone during childhood cause?

In children (where the epiphyseal growth plate has not fused yet), it can lead to gigantism In adults (closed epiphyseal growth plate in bones), it leads to acromegaly.