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Q: What hormone is given to a pregnant woman to make her go into labor?
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What hormone is responsible for starting labor in a pregnant woman?


What hormones is responsible for starting labor in pregnant woman?

The question is incomplete. There are no options given (for "which of the following") to answer this question.

What is the hormone that pregnant women have that makes their joints unstable?

The hormone that makes a pregnant woman have their joints unstable is Relaxin.

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when a woman pregnant and her belly button pops out does that mean she in labor yes or no

Which estrogen hormone is common in non-pregnant woman?

oestrone sulphate

How many hours is a pregnant woman usually in labor?

The deliver of a baby varies from woman to woman.

Which hormone is given to woman reduce their fertility?

OestrogenType your answer here...

Which hormone is most useful in determining whether the woman is pregnant explain why?

hcg hormone because it is made by the embryo after it implants into the endomentrium.

Why do women test their urine to see if they are pregnant?

A woman's body secretes a hormone while pregnant which can usually be detected on a home pregnancy test a week or two after implantation (a woman's body doesn't know it's pregnant until implantation and therefore doesn't secete the hormone until that happens) of the fertilized egg (which is about a week after conception). The hormone is in the blood stream which is filtered by the kidneys which create urine. Therefore the hormone can be detected in urine.

Is oxytocin the same as pitocin?

Oxytocin is a natural hormone produced in a woman's body that gives labor pain when her confinement is due. Where as Pitocin is the artificial form of inducing labor pain or speeding up labor.

Which hormone normally secreted after about 40 weeks of gestation causes the muscles in a pregnant woman's uterine wall to contract?


What is it called when a woman is having a baby?

You would call her a pregnant woman about to give birth.