

What hormone produces the brain?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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dopamine and serotonin are some brain homones

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Q: What hormone produces the brain?
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What Hormone produced by an endocrine gland located below the brain?

There are many hormones in the brain, not just one.

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Growth hormone is produced in the pituitary gland.

Which gland produces the hormone to grow?

anterior pituitary gland produces growth hormone

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That is the stomach. It produces the hormone gastrin

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The pineal gland produces?

The pineal gland is an endocrine gland located in the center of the brain (of vertebrate animals). It resembles a pine cone, which is the origin of its name. This gland produces serotonin and derivative melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep patterns.

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No. Too little thyroid hormone produces cretinism in children.

Why low TSH is called hyperthyroidism and high TSH is called hypo thyroidism?

TSH is not a thyroid hormone - it is a pituitary hormone called Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. It's job is to tell the thyroid how much thyroid hormone to produce. This is called a negative feedback system.The thyroid produces hormone.The brain reads that there is insufficient hormone in the bodyThe pituitary gland in the brain produces more TSH that turns the thyroid onMore TSH means the thyroid produces even more thyroid hormone.When there is too much thyroid hormone in the body, the pituitary turns off TSH as the body doesn't need any MORE thyroid hormone.If the brain, pituitary and thyroid are working properly, thyroid hormones T4 and T3 will be high (hypERthyroidism) when TSH is low, and thyroid hormones T4 and T3 will be low (hypOthyroidism) when TSH is high.

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What area of the brain is responsible for insomnia?

The PINEAL GLAND which secrestes the hormone Melatonin ( hormone that produces sleep) and the RETICULAR FORMATION which regulates awareness and sleep. These are both the parts of the brain which regulate and account for sleep amounts. They are located in the upper section of your Midbrain. Hope this helps, I used it for my MACBETH Seminar.

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What produces adrenocorticotropic hormone?

It is the pituitary gland.