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Sodium and potassium levels are controlled by secreting K+ and absorbing Na+. Sodium absorption by the distal tubule is mediated by the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption.

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13y ago


Depending which part of the the PCT it's angiontensin 2, at the DCT and collecting ducts it's aldosterone.

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Q: What hormone regulates sodium re absorption in the distal convoluted tubule?
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distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct.The distal convoluted tubule

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What is the primary site of tubular reabsorption in the kidneys?

The distal convoluted tubule or the collecting tube.

Anti duretic hormone increases absorption of?

It increase the reabsorption of water. That is from distal convaluted tubules

What histological feature distinguishes proximal convoluted tubule from a distal convoluted tubule?

Proximal convoluted tubules have brush borders or microvilli on the inner edge of the tubule. Distal convoluted tubules do not have this structure.

What is the role of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) in the body?

ADH makes the collecting duct & distal convoluted tubule of the nephron more permeable to water

What are the subdivisons of the renal tubule?

Proximal convoluted tubule, Loop of henle and Distal convoluted tubule.

Is the collecting duct the site that drains the distal convoluted tubule?

No, the collecting duct is the site where the filtrate from multiple nephrons is collected and the final adjustments to urine concentration are made. The distal convoluted tubule drains into the collecting duct.

What is finally reabsorbed in distal convoluted tubule?
