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Examples: salt (sodium chloride), vinegar, sugar.

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Q: What household materials can preserve food?
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How does water preserve food?

water can not preserve food it attracts mold

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A household item that can help preserve apples in lemon juice. Using lemon juice will prevent the apple from turning brown which is caused by an enzyme.

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Proper managing of household materials

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Household materials may be classified as toxic and nontoxic. Bleach and ammonia are toxic while vinegar is not a harmful substance.

Does water preserve foods?

On meat, salt can preserve food.

Which foodstuffs are preserved in house and how it is done?

There are several ways to preserve foodstuffs, within a household. The most common way to preserve foodstuffs is to freeze or refrigerate them.

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How does heat preserve food from rotting?

well once you have cooked the food it is ready to it so there is no need to preserve it

How did peasants preserve their food?

They stuffed the food with salt which would let it dry out and that's how they would preserve it.

Could water preserve food?

Water doesn't necessarily preserve food. However, the canning process can preserve food. The boiling process can prevent any transfer of bacteria, fungus or microbes.