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When cells divide in an unregulated fashion, mutations occur. These mutations quickly become a larger problem in the body, forming cancer tissue.

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Q: What human disease is characterized by unregulated mitosis?
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Is mitosis in plant cells slower or faster than in human cells?

Mitosis in plants cells is faster than in human cell because more localisated. When a human cell do mitosis as a part of all of her life cycle, a meristematic plant cell do only mitosis, without interphasis. So it is faster for plants to do mitosis

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scietifec method and human peson who kill the animals thies is a an answer

Do human embryos grow larger through mitosis?

noGrowth is involved by mitosis. Mitosis produce identical daughter cells

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There are MANY diseases that can affect the lungs of human beings. The most common seems to be Bronchitis and C.O.P.D (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Various types of Lung Cancer exist as well.

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About how long does a human skin cell stay in interphase in mitosis?

The duration of mitosis of normal epidermis is approximately 90 min.

Would a mammal cell divide using mitosis?

Cells alway divide using myiosis or mitosis, this differs per cell. In a human most cells divide using mitosis, a human is a mammal so there's your answer

Greek art is characterized by the representation of what beings?

Greek art is characterized by the representation of human beings. To be more specific, the figures and forms of human bodies.

How many chromesomes are in a human after mitosis?

There are 46 chromesomes, after mitosis, those cells duplicate. That means there are 92 chromesomes.

Can human cells perform mitosis?

all cells perform mitosis, except sex cells which perform meiosis

Do human use mitosis or miosis?

Humans use both- mitosis to grow, meiosis to form sex cells for reproduction.

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