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Hypertonic is when you have a high concentration of solute relative to the solvent. For example, salt water is a hypertonic solution with vast amounts of sodium, chlorine, potassium, and iodine dissolved in water.

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Q: What hypertonic means to illustrate equilibrium?
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How would you use hypertonic in a sentence?

Hypertonic means increased pressure or tone. This solution is hypertonic compared to that one.

Use hypertonic in a science sentence?

To be hypertonic means to be extremely tense. An example sentence would be: His calf muscle was hypertonic after the marathon.

Example of stress on a chemical equilibrium in your body?

An example of stress on a chemical equilibrium in the body is dehydration. The water level in the cell decreases, which causes the cell to shrink and become hypertonic.

What is the solvent in corn syrup?

Hypertonic because hydotonic means in water and its obviously not is water so it must be hypertonic

Is the cell below in a hypertonic or hypotonic?

Hypotonic means higher amount of h20 and hypertonic means a smaller amount of h20. If the cell was for example in saltwater and it isn't meant to live in salt water, the inside of the cell would be hypotonic and outside would be hypertonic

What direction does water move when cells are placed in hypertonic solution?

Water moves out of the cell in hypertonic solution.

Illustrate in a sentence?

the illustrator did a lovely drawing in the book

What happens when a hypotonic solution is separated from a hypertonic solution by an osmotic membrane?

They diffuse into one another until the point where they reach equilibrium. This point, however cannot be predicted from what you gave nor is it any more likely to be in favor of the hypertonic, the hypotonic, or your idea of isotonic.

When a solution is hypertonic?

Let us put hypotonic into the mix. Hyper is more, hypo is less so that puts -tonic right in the middle, as a reference point. That reference point is also called equilibrium. When a solution contains more solute that it would normally contain at equilibrium it is hypertonic, and when a solution has dissolved in it less than the amount of solute that it would normally contain at equilibrium it is hypotonic.

What does illustrate mean in math?

In math, illustrate means: To show your work in pictures or figures.